Using content blocks

You can manage small content blocks for your website through this package.

The content of the blocks are stored in a folder called “content_blocks” inside of the config('aloiacms.collections_path') folder.

You’ll need to register the facade into your application, by placing the following line to your aliases in config/app.php:

'Block' => \AloiaCms\Facades\BlockFacade::class,

Now you can use the facade in your blade views by using:

{!! Block::get('content-file-name') !!}


If we’ve got the following content block, located at storage/app/collections/content_blocks/

## Title of the content

This is a paragraph

and you place the following code snippet in your blade file:

{!! Block::get('test') !!}

this will render the following HTML on your page:

<h2>Title of the content</h2>

<p>This is a paragraph</p>

It’s a simple content block management tool, which parses markdown files using the erusev/parsedown-extra package.